“St. Teresa of Calcutta
with Mary and the Christ Child”
Gazing on the icon, we see Mary is offering her Son to the world, to each one of us; St. Teresa joins Mary in this gesture.

St. Teresa is embracing and partially holding Jesus as well. In her lifetime, she embraced and held thousands in her own arms. She saw Jesus in them. She embraces and strengthens us so that we can embrace others as she did.
 Mary and Teresa are focused on Jesus. Now they can “see” the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit face to face. Close your eyes for a moment. Let their peace flow into your heart.

Mary, Mother of God, and St. Teresa, were called by name. By name, Jesus is calling us. They are portrayed with halos, signifying that they have attained the glory of paradise. Our work and our halos are still unfinished. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

St. Teresa, intercede for us.
Praise be to You, Lord Jesus Christ! 

© 2016 Clyde Rausch, OMI